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Author: sbramhall@dallascowboys.net

  Dear Little Tyra, I want you to know everything is going to be ok. Life is full of ups and downs, and we are on this roller coaster together sis. You are going to go through things in life where it feels like the world is collapsing around you and you feel like giving up, but just remember, the life you were given is so special and unique to you. God will never let you face a battle alone and He wouldn’t place a challenge in front of you

Dear Younger Chandi, I know times are uncertain right now and you feel like you are a small fish in a big pond but keep your head up. I know you have already had ups and downs in your life, but you will overcome everything that life throws at you. Soon, you will be proud of the strong, independent young woman you have become. Right now, you are a young girl in a very big world. You are in ballet, dancing your little heart out. It is your

Dear Ashlee, Who knew that your natural tendency to lead the group out for dance battles at recess, talent shows, and all things entertainment would be the first chapter? Who knew that you would be who I think about whenever I start to doubt myself and my abilities? Three year old Ashlee loved to be with the big kids, praise dancing down the Baptist church aisles, with so much conviction. Who knew that the same three year old would make the choice to confess Christ and be baptized? You

Let's Prep! Our DCC Prep Intensive on April 9-10, 2022 has an exciting lineup! Dance, Director's Chair, Football 101 and more! This will be your one stop shop to learn all things, ask all questions, absorb and observe all you need to know about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. Whether you are preparing to audition this season or in the future, we are planning a full weekend. Omni Frisco Hotel is offering a special rate for our participants

I had the pleasure of speaking with Shannon Hall Salter, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader from 1987-1990, and learning a little about her time on the team. She was a member of Show Group for her second and third season, as well as a 2nd group leader. She cheered with Kelli Finglass, the organization’s current director. I asked Shannon what it was like cheering with Kelli and she responded that she was a wonderful leader and an excellent veteran to follow. She has a photo of Kelli napping on

We all know how exciting and highly anticipated the Cowboy’s annual Thanksgiving halftime performance is each year, and if it weren’t for the 2000 performance by Jessica Simpson, Heather Pliler Gorton may have not ended up becoming one of America’s Sweethearts. Back in the early 2000s Heather was dancing backup for Jessica Simpson when she had the opportunity to teach the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders prior to their halftime performance. It was this fated experience that led Heather to move back to Dallas from Los Angeles and try

In full disclosure, when the call went out to the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders alumnae for sisters to be highlighted in this piece, there was a bit of genuine confusion among the many members. After all, the relationships created within the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders organization have always been considered a true “sisterhood,” and so it is not surprising that there are many incredibly strong sister-bonds between many of the cheerleaders. Shared experiences, travel around the world and working together to achieve excellence really do create more of a family

Sherri Steenson cheered for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders from 1971-1972. During her time to cheer was a historical moment at Texas Stadium in Irving. She tried out twice before making the team. When Sherri auditioned for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, auditions were by invite only and 500 women attended. The tryouts lasted one day, and the ladies only danced once. They had to perform a cheer or two, as well. The ladies were required to freestyle to a random song chosen by the judges. Sherri attended auditions

Christi Kendrick was a proud ambassador for America's team as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader in 1989.  That year, Christi recalls the uniform having a big shift with a new set of white dingo boots to replace the GoGo boots previously warn by the cheerleaders. While Christi was on the team she remembers the sisterly bond being one of her favorite parts and she says that if she could go back she would stay late after practice for that extra bonding time in the studio and locker room

Carrie Reeves, also known as ¨Pooh Bear¨, was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader from 1994-1996. Carrie auditioned for the team while she was in high school, and found out she made the team on the night of her Senior Prom. She said ¨I was able to walk in and celebrate with all of my friends, I was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader!¨. Carrie and I had the best time and could have talked all day! We talked about everything from her experience on the team, to mine, to her