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Scam Alert: DCC Membership Offer

Scam Alert: DCC Membership Offer

Unfortunately, we have been made aware of recent scams that have been contacting our fans requesting personal and financial information.  We would like to make it clear –

The Dallas Cowboys and the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders will NOT initiate contact with any person via text message, email, social media, or phone to request personal or financial information.

Additionally, there is no membership with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.  If you would like for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders to appear at your event, you can request an appearance at https://dallascowboyscheerleaders.com/appearances/.  There is no other way to request a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader appearance.  If someone is contacting you via social media claiming to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader trying to set up an appearance and/or asking for payment directly, this is not legitimate.  Please contact local law enforcement or the FTC (at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/assistant) to report the incident.

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