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Jacksonville, FL
University of Alabama

Dallas Cowboys: Former – Emmitt Smith; Current – Trevon Diggs
Season of the Year: Summer
High School Teacher: Ms. Stampalia
Food: Mexican and Barbeque
Color: Pink

TV Show: Friends

Holiday: Christmas

Sweet or Salty: Sweet!

Workout: Running, swimming, mobility, and strength

WHAT INSPIRES YOU? My parents and the many sacrifices they have made for me have always inspired me. They exemplify humility and a selfless love that makes me want to love others and give sacrificially.


DO YOU HAVE ANY REGRETS?  I don’t!  I feel God allows different events to happen in our lives to help teach, grow, and shape me into the person I am today.

BIGGEST MOTIVATION? My family and friends! I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for their constant love, support, and encouragement.

DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS (IF SO LIST NAMES)? Yes! I have the most lovable chocolate lab in the world named Millie!

BEACH OR MOUNTAIN VACATION? Beach! I’m a Florida girl at heart.

DESCRIBE A PERFECT DAY IN YOUR LIFE: A perfect day in my life would be a bright, sunshine day filled with a lot of family and friends, a walk with my chocolate lab, and a full plate of Mexican food!

HOW DO OTHERS DESCRIBE YOU? Loving, compassionate, and sweet.

DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN TALENTS? I can sing along to any Disney song there is!

DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? Yes, I have two older brothers!

NAME 5 GUESTS AT YOUR DINNER PARTY: Gal Gadot, Cody Johnson, Nick Saban, Jennifer Anniston, Adam Sandler


WHAT IS YOUR DANCING BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE? I began dancing at the age of 3. I have been trained in Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pointe, Modern/ Lyrical, Clogging, and Acrobatics! I knew dance was my passion at a very young age and I knew I wanted to pursue it. I attended a School of the Arts for both middle and high school where I had the privilege to perform with many incredible dancers and take class from many well known artists across the country. After graduating high school, I attended the University of Alabama where I performed on the Alabama Dance Team for 4 years and received a degree in Dance.

WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO AUDITION FOR DCC? It has been a dream of mine to pursue a professional career in dance since I can remember. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are so iconic and they consistently set the bar for talent year after year.  With every opportunity I’ve been given, I’ve always prayed for an environment to make me a better Reece after a chapter closes and I truly believe The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders embody not only prIstine talent, but woman who are well rounded in all areas of life. A DCC has a servants heart and I knew I wanted to be apart of something greater than myself.

WHAT DO YOU ANTICIPATE MOST DURING YOUR ROOKIE SEASON AS A DCC?  I am looking forward to meeting so many people and being a part of the most prestigious organization. This platform is a blessing and I never want to take that for granted. I anticipate the numerous opportunities I’ll receive while connecting with so many people across the state of Texas and country.

PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: By far becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader has been my proudest accomplishment! I am so honored and humbled to wear these stars on my chest. Although this is a dream come true, I truly wouldn’t be in these boots if it weren’t for my family, friends, teachers, instructors, and mentors who’ve each played a significant role in my life.

IN 10 YEARS FROM NOW I WILL be married to my best friend, further my dance career, and hope to have worked on receiving my teaching certification. I also  hope to have a family of my own with a lot of fur babies!

