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La Porte, TX
Texas Woman's University


Current Dallas Cowboys: Dak Prescott

Movie: Zookeeper

Hobbies: Besides dancing I love working out, running, and doing any activity outdoors.

Food: Pizza and Tex-Mex!!!

Article of Clothing: I love leggings. Leggings are comfortable and easily styled to wear everyday whether I go to workout, go to school, or to a dance class.

Cartoon Character: Minnie Mouse

TV Show: Gossip Girl

Family Tradition: Visiting our family lake in Wisconsin and making Christmas cookies.

Charity: I love to serve in any charity involving children! I think it is important to show joy and love for the next generation. Working with children is special to me, because naturally they look up to individuals older than themselves. I would love to be the person who makes a lasting impact on their life and can shine my light for Jesus in the process!

Dessert: Funfetti Cupcakes



WHAT IS YOUR JUNK FOOD WEAKNESS? Any type of candy, especially nerd clusters! 

WHO IS YOUR “CELEBRITY CRUSH? I do not have one. 

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? My dream job was to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, but aside from that I would love to be a physical therapist and possibly give back to DCC in the future by working as the cheerleader’s PT! 


WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA APP? I love Pinterest, because you can find so many creative ideas, clothes, and even Tik Tok posts on it! 

DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS (IF SO, LIST NAMES)? Yes! I have the cutest dog named Maggie. We adopted her from the animal shelter and she is Chihuahua/Miniature Pinscher mix. I also have 2 rescued cats named Dolly and Daphne. 

WHO IS THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? My parents, because of their endless dedication and support in my life. They have perfectly demonstrated what it is like to sacrifice for the good of someone you love.  


LIST 5 WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: Determined, kind-hearted, caring, energetic, and passionate 

WHAT IS ONE THING MOST PEOPLE WOULD BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I do not like one single raw fruit or raw vegetable! 

DO YOU HAVE ANY NICKNAMES? Yes! I have a few! My real name is Madeline, but family and friends call me any combination of Madie, MJ, Madie Jane, and Mads! 

WHAT FAMOUS PERSON (DEAD OR ALIVE) WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH & WHY? I would love to have dinner with Jesus. I think it would be amazing to ask Him every question I have about the Bible and just talk to Him about His life on earth! 

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CHILDHOOD MEMORY? My favorite childhood memory was getting a brand new playroom after my house was flooded during Hurricane Ike. I was beyond excited and played in it 24/7! 

WHAT WOULD BE YOUR SUPERPOWER? I would love to be able to teleport, because Dallas traffic scares me! 

WHAT IS YOUR DANCING BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE? I started dancing when I was 2 years old at Twin Arts Dance Studio in Pasadena, Texas. I began in the tots ballet class and I ended up training in multiple studies such as ballet, tap, jazz, modern/lyrical, pointe, and acrobatics. I joined the competition company at the age of 6, which was where my deep love of dance began. Like a lot of little girls, I thought that I wanted to be a dance teacher and own my own dance studio. As I grew, I began to train in every way I possibly could. Since my studio is a member of Dance Masters of America, I was always exposed to many teachers and choreographers from all over the country. I loved learning as much as I could from the teachers I met and took new techniques and skills learned, as well as corrections, back to my studio in order to keep improving. I was very blessed to have many mentors along the way that saw the passion I had at such a young age and fostered it. I owe so much of who I am as a dancer and as a person to the Dance Masters of America Organization. At a young age, I was also fortunate enough to audition and be cast in local ballets including The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Dracula which gave me exposure to the classical side of dance performance. I also attended multiple dance conventions each year with my competition team that introduced me to other sides of the dance industry, and many more New York or LA based choreographers. These experiences kept me searching for absolutely any master class I could find in my area throughout my high school years! 

WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO AUDITION FOR DCC? My dream of being a professional dancer has never faded away! If you would have asked me what I wanted to be when I was as young as a kindergartener, I would have told you I wanted to be a ballerina in the Houston Ballet or a dance studio owner. But, as I got older and began to take Jazz, Jazz Funk, and Musical Theatre, I fell in love with the upbeat and high energy music, where I was able to be happy and have fun. One day, I remember my mom watching the CMT show, and her telling me “I could see you doing that one day,” and immediately I began trying to mimic the girls’ solos and trying to do everything they did. I would freestyle and ask my mom to judge me. Ever since then, DCC has been a dream of mine, even though the experiences I had in dance didn’t really lend itself to the DCC style or push me in the direction of college Pom. As I got older, MTT became my favorite show! I realized the organization was so much more than a dance team, but a group of girls who are leaders within the community. I could somehow relate to DCC through my experiences with Dance Masters of America. I understood the idea of auditioning, interviews, being a polished young lady, and being a worthy representative of a highly respected organization. Why did I audition for DCC? My heart didn’t give me a choice. 

WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SOMEONE WHO DREAMS OF BECOMING A DCC? I would first start by saying that if there is a dream in your mind, it is there for a reason. God has placed a passion and the desire to achieve it in your soul. With such goals and dreams in your heart, you need to go for it! The only failure in life is not trying. I would also tell them to take one day at a time, because progress and growth does not happen instantly. Set small, achievable goals along the way and push toward achieving them. With each goal met, you will feel a little better and a little stronger each day. Chasing your dream takes effort and sacrifice. It also takes faith in yourself and faith in something greater than yourself that you can’t see or touch, but you can feel that it’s there waiting for you. And finally, I would say trust your mentors and your training. If you have put in the work, time, and effort, the audition process should simply be you showcasing the best you have to offer and shining your light! Be your unique self! 

WHAT DO YOU LOOK FORWARD TO DURING THIS FIRST YEAR AS A DCC? EVERYTHING! From just talking in the locker room, to games, to appearances, to spending time outside of DCC with the girls, I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunity I was given! I look forward to what is to come every single day. 

FINISH THIS STATEMENT: When I look back on my life…I want to ensure I did everything I could possibly do to share the light of Jesus and impact others lives for the better. The timespan of our life is so small that we should be spreading joy and helping others rather than ourselves. When I look back on my life, I want to know I made a difference.