DCC Alumni Spotlight – Olivia Sharber
When I saw I had been matched with Olivia, I could not have been more excited for the opportunity to chat with her. I can even remember my veteran teammates telling me how much I would like her Technique Tuesday class three years ago, and how much her journey would inspire me as a rookie DCC. I had looked up to her exquisite technique, powerful performance quality, and her ability to continue to challenge herself as a performer, but upon talking to her, I learned her greatest treasures are the memories, experiences, and friendships she has from her three years in white Lucchese boots.
From the Kentucky Derby to an inaugural flight to Hong Kong & Shanghai, Olivia had some incredible opportunities as a DCC and as an All Star. Performing on Show Group, Olivia went on two USO tours in the Middle East, which she claims has been one of the most eye-opening experiences in her life. Always holding the military in a high regard, she gained a newfound perspective and appreciation for those fighting for our freedom overseas while on tour as she visited with, performed for, and traded coins with active military personnel.
In a world of constant exposure, interviews, and cameras, Olivia agrees there’s nothing that tops the behind-the-scenes moments in the locker room with your DCC sisters. She loved the camaraderie amongst the group, the inside jokes, gamely shenanigans, and having friends that shared your passion for performing. Practice was like home, a place where she had all her friends around her each night after teaching dance in the afternoons. Living in New York, DCC weddings have now become the most reunions for her tight-knit group of DCC sisters, as they continue to cheer each other on through the next stages of life.
DCC has taken Olivia places she’s always dreamed of, including the Big Apple! Having trained in New York City growing up, at the School of American Ballet, she planned a week-long trip to the city to visit friends lined up with the auditions for the prestigious resident cast of Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Olivia was already familiar with the production since she had previously toured with the show at the Grand Ole Opry and other arenas around the US. After a grueling 48-hour audition process, she booked the show and continued her performance career based in New York. The skills, professionalism, and prestige of the DCC organization has impacted her life in world class fashion, and she never takes for granted the sweet memories of waiting to take the field surrounded by her best friends.
DCC Gina
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