DCC Alumni Spotlight – Lisa Henslin Morton
Lisa Henslin Morton was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader from 2002-2007. I was immediately impressed by her dedication to the organization – wow 5 years! A few of her highlights include being a group leader her 5th year, being selected to be in the calendar, and cheering at the game that Emmitt Smith broke the All-Time Leading Rusher Record.
Prior to becoming a DCC, Lisa served as the Captain of her high school drill team in Keller, TX. Upon graduation, she chose to attend Tyler Junior College where she danced as an Apache Belle and served as dance captain her sophomore year. Her last stop in earning her degree was the University of North Texas where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology.
I asked Lisa what a few of her “DCC favorites” were. Her favorite tradition was the annual DCC campout. She said there were a lot of fun team building activities and team bonding. We recently brought back this tradition last year and I agreed with her and told her about the special memories that I made while on our campout. Lisa also said this was special for her because their squad photo would be revealed, which solidified the end of training camp and meant they had officially made the team. Lisa was thrilled to have accomplished her dream. One of Lisa’s favorite DCC memories took place on a night at rehearsal in Texas Stadium. She told me that it was raining and there was a tarp over the field to protect the turf. Right after finishing rehearsal, she and a few of her teammates ran and slid across the tarp like it was a giant slip and slide. She said they laughed so hard they made themselves cry. What I loved about this story is that it really resonated with me. What makes this organization so special is the memories that you make with your teammates. The experiences are even more wonderful because of the special women you have by your side. Lisa’s favorite DCC routine was “Girls, Girls, Girls.” She said it made her feel empowered! When I asked Lisa about appearances, she mentioned visiting a VA hospital in Waco, TX, was very memorable for her. She also enjoyed Troy Aikman’s Hall of Fame Induction events as well as the Annual USO Gala in Washington, DC.
Lisa currently lives in Idaho Falls, ID, with her husband and two children. She lovingly told me about her 1-year old chocolate lab which I was excited about, as I also am a proud lab mom! Lisa works as a personal trainer and a Pilates instructor. I really enjoyed getting to interview Lisa and we both agreed that being a part of this organization is life changing. I am grateful for these alumni who have shared their experiences with us and continuously show us their support.
DCC Lexie
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