DCC Alumni Spotlight – Kenia Brown Hawkins
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Alumni, Kenia Brown Hawkins, cheered for the Cowboys for two seasons from 1999-2001. Originally from a small town in Arkansas; she remembers going to a Dallas Cowboys game for the first time and seeing a video of the Cheerleaders popping up. She said that moment planted the seed for her future as a DCC. After finishing her undergrad, she went on to dance for the Arkansas Glacier Girls. While on the team, a girl from her town auditioned for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders that year and she came back to tell everyone about her experiences. Kenia, who was having a full circle moment from when she was a little girl, said “I can do that” and studied everything there was to know about DCC before going to audition.
One of Kenia’s favorite personal memories, forever be etched into her heart, is when they called her name to go into training camp. “They were playing ‘Do You Believe In Love’ by Cher – which is such an iconic song, and this was such a moment for me. I was stepping into the legacy of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.” When I asked her about her rookie season as a DCC, she said that she was “so green to everything except 5,6,7,8.” She was a little intimidated by the process, but she luckily had supportive upper Vets that took her under their wings. Given the opportunity to dance was huge for her and was always big and bright, but in other aspects she was more to herself. Being on Show Group her first season, there was a lot of traveling and camaraderie on the team, yet there were still things that she needed to learn. She remembers Kelli pulling her aside one day and telling her that she looked like a deer in headlights. “She told me to breathe and that it was okay to be myself, but even in that moment I was still a little terrified.”
Kenia told me that transitioning from her rookie season to her veteran season was a little less intimidating. One thing she regrets is not auditioning for a 3rd season. She had fun her last year, but she should have taken in the moment more. “DCC is really a highlight in my life and I didn’t truly realize it at the time.” After her final season, Kenia moved to LA with one of her former teammates. There she continued to dance and did commercials, movies, etc. A lot of DCC were moving to LA after they retired, so they congregated together and formed their own little support group.
When asked what her favorite memory was from being a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, she told me that it was too hard to choose just one. She had a list of things, here are a few; meeting Tony Robbins, performing with Jessica Simpson at the Thanksgiving Halftime and especially being on Show Group. She said that Show Group opened a whole new world to her and pushed her to become a better performer.
Kenia is now back in Texas where runs a company called Storytime Phoenix that creates content for children. She also works as a script analyst for Nickelodeon and Lionsgate. She is married with two step-sons.
Kenia ended our time together by giving me some advice that I will truly take to heart. She told me to enjoy being a DCC as much as I can, and sink into every moment. “Don’t get caught up in anything other than enjoying your moment, because one day you’ll look up and it will be over.” She told me to keep a positive attitude and to not leave with any regrets. “They are your family and they will always be there for you no matter what.”
DCC Armani
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