DCC Alumni Spotlight – Holly Squier Hubbard
Holly Hubbard is a born and raised Texas girl who grew up in Denton, Texas. She graced the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders organization for 5 years where she had the privilege of serving as a group leader and experiencing the great opportunities that come with wearing the bright and shining stars. She auditioned for the team as a brave 20-year-old and danced for the 2011-2015 seasons. Prior to DCC, Holly was a member of the University of North Texas Dance Team for 3 years. Holly and her family have stayed close to home and currently live in Argyle, Texas. She loves her life as a stay-at-home mom with two sweet little boys.
Holly had a very impressive and inspiring journey as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. She made Show group her Rookie year and remained on Show group throughout her 5 years. She was also honored with the opportunity to be a group leader for two of those years. Holly was voted Rookie is the year 2011-2012, Veteran of the Year in 2015-2016, and represented the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders at the NFL Pro Bowl in 2016. Holly was blessed with many honors during her time on the team, but one of her favorite memories included dancing on the USO tours. Holly was chosen to dance overseas in Korea, Japan, Kuwait, and Turkey on the USO tours. It was so inspiring to hear about the USO tours and the incredible impact DCC had visiting and encouraging troops across the world. A few of her other favorite memories include performing for WrestleMania, presenting awards at the Country Music Awards with Steven Tyler, and meeting celebrities like Luke Bryan and Blake Shelton.
Holly and I bonded over the special memories made traveling with our DCC sisters and the friendships that develop from being on this one-of-a-kind team. She keeps in touch with the friends she made while on the team. Although most of her friends are married with kids and spread out across the country, they like to keep up with each other through group texts. I thought it was so special to hear that even though they are all in different life stages now, they have found a way to keep the sisterhood alive.
Holly had an incredible journey as a DCC, but her wisdom is what impressed me the most. Holly’s advice to me was to stay true to myself and to not change to fit any certain mold. She explained the importance of finding inner strength rather than relying on validation elsewhere. Holly pointed out that one of the reasons the DCC sisterhood is so great is because we must lean on each other during the process. Her goal as a teammate was to always help everyone, and to leave the team better than she found it.
DCC Claire
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