DCC Alumni Spotlight – Gina Piazza Giovannoni & Julie Holeman Moulas
When I began my journey as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader (DCC), I had no idea that I would be welcomed into such a family that would extend beyond my team and into teams of DCC past. To me, this sisterhood embodies every woman who has worn the uniform, and I am truly lucky to be part of it. As I neared the end of my rookie season, I took time to reflect… and what a year it was! The “Power of the Star” is real and true. One can only understand the Power of the Star once they have seen it in action. Just recently, I was fortunate enough to speak with two DCC Alumni, Gina Piazza Giovannoni and Julie Holeman Moulas. Both of these ladies shared amazing stories with me and offered me a bit of advice, as well.
While speaking with Gina and Julie about their most memorable experiences as DCC, both of them described times they were able to give back with the Organization. Gina recalled some of her greatest experiences were overseas during a United Service Organizations (USO) trip and stated, “Visiting soldiers on remote mountaintops over Christmas is an unbelievable, humbling, and rewarding experience from our perspective.” Much like Gina, Julie also loved supporting the troops stationed overseas. In fact, during her time as a DCC, Julie completed many USO tours and most vividly recalled a time where she was able to visit troops in Iraq following 9/11. Julie stated, “Just getting to see and talk to troops, especially at that time. It just makes me appreciate so much of what I don’t have to endure on a daily basis of my life in the U.S. Knowing that people are willing to die and put their life at risk for our country embedded a very big sense of patriotism in me for our military and our armed forces.” Hearing these women describe their involvement with USO tours as some of their greatest DCC memories reminds me that giving back is a big part of what we do. As DCC, not only do we support and cheer for our team, but we also support those in need; our troops and veterans, our sick, and those who may be in need of a boost in spirit. For these reasons and more, “DCC” stands for dedication, character, and community.
During our talks, I also asked Gina and Julie a more personal question that all of the girls at DCC could benefit from. (After all, we can always learn from those who have already been in our boots… literally!) I asked each of them, “If you could go back and tell your DCC-self one thing, what would it be?” Gina told me, “Take it all in slowly. There are so many experiences that are life-changing that you will want to relish every moment. And always remember that being a DCC is not what happens TO you, but what happens THROUGH you. Our Director Suzanne would always tell us this, and it never really came to light until years after. Being a DCC is leading by example and being a role model. The things you do are impactful to others, though you may not realize. And take lots of pictures! You can never have too many to go back to years from now and relive those memories!” Julie offered similar advice, “Remember more. Soak it up even more. It goes by so fast and now the memories get a little hazy. Make more friends. Go in and make it a purpose to get to know people better… and deeper.”
Though it’s been a few years since Gina and Julie were on the team, time was clearly irrelevant as both ladies described their experiences as Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Their timeless and unwavering passion about being a DCC reminds me how lucky I am to be part of an organization that gives back in such positive and monumental ways. As a DCC, I am able to be a role model and lead by example, not just in our community, but worldwide. In a league of our own, there is no truer sisterhood than that of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
DCC Amanda
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