DCC Alumni Spotlight – Allana Moore Luterman
Allana was born and raised in Irving, TX and now resides in Addison, TX. She cheered for the Dallas Cowboys football team during the 1994 and 1995 seasons. You know what that means? Allana cheered at the last Cowboys Super Bowl appearance – XXX, and she cheered with Shelly B! She cheered just a few years before the belt buckle was reintroduced to the uniform, and she is very jealous that she missed that transition.
Allana started her dance career as a gymnast. She had been a gymnast for most of her life and enrolled in her first dance class in college. She began dancing overseas in Paris as entertainment for Motocross. Some of the girls that she danced with in Paris were former DCC’s, and some ended up being DCC’s after her as well. While dancing and performing with these girls, she created a relationship with the DCC director at the time, who told her that it was her year to try out for DCC. However, Allana had little to no dance experience. Lucky for her, her gymnastics background and her experience in Paris earned her a spot on DCC and she made it as a tumbler. Fun fact: Allana found out she made the team on her birthday on April 23rd! She still remembers how special that birthday was to this day.
Allana’s time as a DCC was filled with fun memories and stories. She was lucky to be selected to go on the calendar shoot both years. Her first year they traveled to Mexico, and the following year they traveled to Jamaica. She chuckled as she reminisced on the fact that back then everyone would dig and pick a swimsuit out of a pile, unlike these days where each girl is assigned a swimsuit individually. She also told the story of performing at the American Bowl in Mexico against the Houston Oilers. She said, after performing on the field, they were covered head-to-toe in mud, and went straight to their locker room to scrub their uniforms in the sinks at the stadium in attempt to remove the mud stains! Her favorite DCC memory was when the tarp was put down at Texas Stadium because there was no roof. Allana and her teammates turned it into a slip-and-slide when it rained. On rainy game days, without the roof, the field would get so wet that one time the DCC were making the entrance onto the field, when her friend Carrie slipped and fell, turning parts of her white shorts black. Luckily, a teammate had an extra pair for her to wear – but she was smaller than Carrie, so she had to squeeze!
As Allana talked about her time as a DCC, she did not hesitate to talk about the long-lasting friendships she made while on the team. Allana met her best friends during her rookie season and maintains a strong relationship with them today. She recently celebrated her 50th birthday in Los Angeles, CA with some of her best friends, including Carrie Reeves, Tonia Jones, and Monica Cates Hinkle – her DCC sisters! She had the biggest smile on her face talking about the fun night reunited with her best friends and said they were doing kick lines and singing and dancing until 3am… she made sure I knew they avoided attempting the jump-splits!
Although the DCC has changed since she was on the team, Allana is most proud of the fact that the professionalism and reputation has been “kept at 100%”. While it was the hardest job she has had, it was worth every second. She reminded me of how lucky we are to be a part of an organization that keeps us together. Everyone is busy and has their own separate lives from DCC, both while you’re on the team and after you retire. However, Allana encouraged me to come back as an alum to meet more people. She said that her circle of friends has grown solely from Alumni events.
It was such an eye-opening conversation with Allana and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to speak with her and hear about her experiences as a DCC. Since our interview, we have scheduled a dinner date to meet in person. Allana has also been a tremendous help in connecting me with friends she knows in the accounting field, as I’ve been interviewing and recruiting with firms in the Dallas area. I am looking forward to meeting her in person and sharing more laughs and stories.
DCC Elli
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