Abbey – A DCC Treasure
DCC Director, Kelli Finglass dreamed of having a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders teddy bear that could be shared with Children during annual Hospital visits and residents at Senior Care facilities. A prototype bear was designed with a replica DCC uniform, blue bows and an embroidered heart featured on the bottom of the bear’s paw. Kelli started awarding the prototype Abbey Bear to staff and coworkers who had gone ABove and BEYond their normal job duties to help the department succeed.
Abbey has since become an important team member of the DCC. She is now awarded each game to one Cheerleader who has gone ABove and BEYond to help her teammates succeed.
In 2015 Abbey became an officially licensed product of the NFL and has now become a cherished souvenir for fans worldwide. The original Abbey Bear remains with the team, where she shares daily adventures with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. She attends work and school with the honored DCC, and her travels include trips to Australia, London, Tokyo, and Mexico.
In 2018, Abbey joined the DCC archive collection in the Smithsonian’s Museum of American History.
To purchase your own DCC Abbey Bear, click here!

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