A Letter To Young Darian
Being a black woman in America won’t be easy. It will come with fear and sadness; and you’ll find that sometimes doing everything right still might not be enough because of the color of your skin. Being told that you’re “pretty for a black girl” and that you’re either “too white to be black” or “too black to be white” will be something you hear quite often growing up in a predominately white elementary and middle school.
It can be hard to stop letting other people change the way you see yourself, especially at a young age. Make sure you hug your loved ones close, because unfortunately you won’t have your dad to walk you down the aisle at your wedding someday.
Not to spoil the ending, but everything will be okay. I’m here to tell you, that you will do big things and I am so proud of the woman you have become in the future. Despite every obstacle you face, you will persevere. Congratulations, you will become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader after dancing for the Phoenix Suns and Arizona Cardinals, while earning your college degree. You will travel to places you have only dreamed of going and will meet lifelong friends on the way. And the best part? These are only a couple of your great accomplishments you will achieve in life.
I want to leave you with 3 reminders:
- Always make your happiness a priority.
- As cheesy as it might sound, chase your dreams. Possibilities in this world are infinite, and your only limit is your own mind.
- Don’t ever trade your authenticity for approval. It takes a lot of courage and strength to be yourself in a world that will constantly remind you that who you are isn’t enough.
You got this girl.
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