DCC Alumni Spotlight – Kimberly Land Foerster
Kimberly is originally from West Texas, a town called Big Spring. She decided to try out for DCC after attending a rehearsal with her mom at Texas Stadium. Kimberly’s little brother and Judy’s son went to school together and she invited them to come and watch. After speaking to Judy and getting advice from her longtime dance instructor, DCC’s original choreographer, Texie Waterman, she decided to try out. She felt so lucky to be chosen her first year to try out! It was such a blessing and magical time that Kimberly will never forget! She was a cheerleader from 1993-1995, 2 fun filled seasons! Kimberly has many, many, favorite memories as a DCC, but the top memory would have to be January, 30, 1994 – winning Super Bowl XXVIII with my best friends in the world! Dallas defeated the Buffalo Bills that day with a score of 30 -13. Besides having her children, it was the most exciting moment of my entire life.
“I have kept many lifelong lessons from being a DCC with me, and learned so many things from this organization of which I’m proud.” The most important to her is to always try your hardest at everything and never give up. Also, to keep a smile on your face and remember that staying positive in everyday life is important. Kimberly has carried these traits, and hopes that her children have learned, by example, how important it is to be this type of person every single day!
Kimberly had a few words of advice for young ladies thinking about auditioning for DCC. For girls that are trying out, she recommends to never let a smile leave your face. Tattoo it on and make it BIG. If you mess up, don’t stop. Keep going and smiling while having fun! Never give up on your dream. Her thoughts for current DCC are to enjoy every single second you have as a cheerleader. Time flies, and when you retire, you will have days you miss it so much. Enjoy it. Be respectful, listen to your mentors, they are only trying to make you and the team the best it can be. Have fun. There are girls that would gladly trade to have your place
For girls retiring as DCC and trying to figure out what is next, Kimberly states “Guess what? You have a leg up on everyone else out there, because you, my friend, were a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader! You made it through the hardest organization and are now a stronger, wiser and more dedicated person because of it”. Kimberly says these attributes will help many times in life! She said to take the skills learned, whether it’s how to hold a fork, talk in front of a camera, or taking physical care of yourself and apply them to your everyday life, career and relationships. The lesson and skills learned from being on the team will be so useful to and carried in life forever!
DCC Miranda
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