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Marion, Iowa
University of Iowa
Social Media Specialist

Dallas Cowboys: Tony Romo

Season of the Year: Summer

High School Teacher: My dance team coach – Jennifer

Food: Steak

Color: Kelly Green

TV Show: Greys Anatomy

Holiday: Christmas

Sweet or Salty: Sweet

Workout: Weightlifting

WHAT INSPIRES YOU? My parents! They have shaped me into the strong, fearless, and confident woman I am today. I’m so proud to be their daughter.


DO YOU HAVE ANY REGRETS?  No, everything happens for a reason!

BIGGEST MOTIVATION?  My siblings. I want to be a role model for them to look up to and to know that they can accomplish anything they set out to achieve!

BEACH OR MOUNTAIN VACATION?  Beach vacation for sure!

DESCRIBE A PERFECT DAY IN YOUR LIFE:  A perfect day would look like starting the day off with an iced coffee, going shopping, spending the afternoon at the beach, and finishing the day off at a nice steak dinner.

HOW DO OTHERS DESCRIBE YOU? I think others would describe me as genuine, resilient, passionate and a leader.

DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN TALENTS?  Yes, I can talk like a duck!

DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? I have 3 younger siblings! Two sisters and one brother that mean the world to me!

NAME 5 GUESTS AT YOUR DINNER PARTY:  Luke Combs, Shawn Johnson, Serena Williams, Denzel Washington and Rihanna


WHAT IS YOUR DANCING BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE? I started dancing when I was just 3 years old and danced competitively for 11 years. In high school, I danced on my school’s dance team where we would dance at school sporting events and compete at state, regionals and the NDTC. I then went on to dance for the University of Iowa, where my love for football and sporting events grew so much!

WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO AUDITION FOR DCC?  My dad is the reason I auditioned for DCC! He grew up in the 70s, when the Cowboys became America’s team, so he is a lifelong fan. When I was a little girl, I was obsessed with the game of football, and the only thing I wanted for my 11th birthday was to go see the Cowboys play. Not only did I get to see the Cowboys beat the Commanders, but I also got to see the DCC perform. From then on, I knew I would accomplish this dream someday.

WHAT DO YOU ANTICIPATE MOST DURING YOUR ROOKIE SEASON AS A DCC?  Creating memories I will cherish for the rest of my life with amazing women, inspiring young dancers and immersing myself in community outreach.

PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT:  Becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader is my proudest accomplishment! This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember and I’m thankful that I never once gave up on myself till I accomplished it!

IN 10 YEARS FROM NOW I WILL Be married, have a family of my own, while continuing the DCC legacy!