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4th Season
Lincoln, NE
Arizona State University
DanceTeacher/Choreographer & Pilates Instructor

DEGREE: Integrated Marketing and Digital Communications




Dallas Cowboys: Leighton Vander Esch

Season of the Year: Summer

High School Teacher: AP Psychology

Food: Mexican and all things sweet!

Color: Light purple 

TV Show: Bridgerton 

Holiday: Christmas 

Sweet or Salty: Sweet 

Workout: I love strength training, pilates, dancing & yoga! 

WHAT INSPRIRES YOU? I am blessed with friends and family who inspire me every day! I have the most incredible people around me who encourage me to work hard, be a better version of myself, and live for a greater purpose.  

WHAT IS ONE THING YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT? The Good Lord, He’s the reason for everything I am and do! + exercise because I love feeling healthy and strong! 

 DO YOU HAVE ANY REGRETS? No regrets! I think mistakes are a part of life that help you learn and grow! 

 BIGGEST MOTIVATION? My faith and close family/friends are the biggest part of my life. My faith is what gives me strength, motivation, and passion for everything I do. I couldn’t do anything without the support of my friends and family who are there for me and push me to be my best every day! 

 DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS (IF SO LIST NAMES)?  I have the cutest little pup named Duke Winston! He’s the best cuddler I know! 


 DESCRIBE A PERFECT DAY IN YOUR LIFE: My perfect day starts with a peaceful morning filled with coffee, reading my bible, and working out. Then, I would spend the day at the beach or doing a fun outdoor activity! I love ending the day by watching a movie and enjoying my favorite snacks! 

HOW DO OTHERS DESCRIBE YOU? Kind, loving, joyful, patient, faithful 

DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN TALENTS? I have a great Donald Duck Impression  

DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? I have an older sister! She’s a nurse and a rockstar in everything she does! 

NAME 5 GUESTS AT YOUR DINNER PARTY:  Tim and Demi Tebow, Sadie Robertson, Jesus, and my papa!   


WHAT IS YOUR DANCING BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE? I grew up as a competitive dancer and trained in all styles of dance for 13 years. I attended the University of Nebraska where I was a member of the Nebraska Dance Team. I then transferred to Arizona State University and became a member of the ASU Dance Team. I was the Choreography Captain in my final year. I signed with MSA Agency while I was in college and immersed myself in the commercial dance world, working as a professional dancer and choreographer. Now, I have the honor and privilege of dancing on the greatest stage in the NFL!  

WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO AUDITION FOR DCC? I’ve looked up to the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders since I was a little girl. They are incredibly talented, well-rounded, and sophisticated women with a passion for performing and serving their community. I really wanted to be a part of something where I could do what I love while making an impact in the world. DCC has been the perfect fit for that!  

 PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: My proudest accomplishment is becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader! It’s an incredible honor to be a part of the Dallas Cowboys organization and I am so proud of myself for the hard work and dedication I’ve put into making this team. 

IN 10 YEARS FROM NOW... I hope to be choreographing, teaching dance, and have a family of my own! I would also LOVE to start a non-profit organization that provides resources and free dance classes to underserved areas.  




