DCC Chandi – Letter to My Younger Self
Dear Younger Chandi,
I know times are uncertain right now and you feel like you are a small fish in a big pond but keep your head up. I know you have already had ups-and-downs in your life, but you will overcome everything that life throws at you. Soon, you will be proud of the strong, independent young woman you have become.
Right now, you are a young girl in a very big world. You are in ballet, dancing your little heart out. It is your happy place. I know you look around and think that you are different but embrace it. You are unique and bring so much to the table. I’ll let you in on a little secret, you will be the first African American Clara in the Nutcracker for your ballet studio, and the first African American captain of the University of Arizona Pomline! These accomplishments will inspire so many other little girls and boys to pursue their dreams. Amazing things are coming.
I know that you have, and unfortunately, will be looked at differently by others because of the way you look and the color of your skin. It does hurt and let yourself feel those emotions. However, don’t let it bring you down. I know that’s hard to think about, but I promise, you are stronger than you think.
I’ll leave you with this. You are a special, unique, beautiful girl. You have and will inspire others. I once got a message from a single mom who has a mixed little girl. She said that she loves watching the DCC dance, because there are “girls that look just like her”. She’s only four and being inspired to go after her dreams because she sees others paving the way for her! Never stop being you and spreading positivity everywhere. You got this!
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